At the Beginning

When you bring a newborn home, life becomes blurred. Your baby’s day and night can be reversed, and your life can be chaotic. Therefore when you can sleep, you sleep and eat when you think of it, and if you are a little lucky, you take a quick shower. But here’s a hint: Babies thrive on routine work. A baby’s day gives you rhythm and predictability.

For example, starting the ritual before going to bed can reduce your anxiety about this issue. For example, a nap gives you a break. Routines can help parents feel in control because sometimes you may feel out of control due to preoccupation. It may not be possible to plan their afternoon nap naturally for the first few months, and babies may need your attention depending on their wishes. For this reason, a noon routine may not go as you would like.

How to set up a ritual with your baby

Use Baby’s Hints

Following the clues will help you establish an effective routine for her and help prevent the emotional reactions that occur when your baby is overly hungry or tired.

Bedtime for your baby

A newborn may wake up every two hours to eat while sleeping for 16 hours a day. Pamela High, director of developmental-behavioral pediatrics at Rhode Island Hospital, said, “Act differently during the day and night. When she/he wake up during daytime, go for a walk, sing, talk loudly. But when she/he wakes up at night, feed him and put him on his back so he’ll finally understand that nighttime is just for sleeping. ”

Choose a reasonable time for the bedtime ritual, for example around 07:00 pm and choose three or four things you want to do each night. You can dress your baby in pyjamas, sing songs, read a book or massage your baby. It doesn’t matter exactly what you do as long as it’s relaxing for everyone and you do it at the same time every night. According to experts, you give signals that your baby will learn habits, eventually he will receive these signals and fall asleep.

Stressful Bathroom Hours

Start bathing from the time you get your doctor’s approval for the bath, which is usually when this umbilical cord falls off. A newborn’s bath routine is in preparation. Gather everything you need before carrying the baby: a baby tub, bath towel, hooded baby towel or bathrobe, baby soap, a soft cloth, a towel for rinsing their hair, lotion, baby cream and a diaper. Fold the bath towel in half and put it on the floor. This is where you will put the baby first when you remove it. Place the hooded towel on top. Next, fill the tub with only 4-5 centimetres of warm water and test it inside your arm to make sure it’s not hot. Throw the shower sponge in the bathtub and pour some soap on it. Now all that’s left is for your baby to undress and be gently lowered into his bath. After the bath is over, hold the baby firmly under the armpits, remove it from the tub, and lift the hooded towel. Wrap the towel around it quickly, then pick it up.

Afternoon nap Secrets

When the baby’s daytime sleep is finally starting to settle in, it’s time for nap class to begin. Start working with the baby’s natural rhythm to prepare the plan instead of letting your baby fall asleep anywhere.
According to Jodi Mindell, author of “Sleep Through the Night,” reading the stories you read at night and dimming the lights will send the same signals to infants to create their afternoon sleep patterns.

It’s time to eat.

Sitting down to eat as a family is one of the most important routines you can establish with your baby. She can join you when she starts eating solids. After about 6 months, when she/he is ready for baby food, sit down before dinner, slowly and with a spoon, teaching her how to eat. Then, when it’s time to eat, sit at the table together. Have your baby play with a spoon at the table, giving him chopped vegetables or cheese. She/he will eventually learn how to use it. When your baby get used to solid foods, you can start giving your baby the same thing you are eating. In this process, turn off the television and talk about your day, which will increase his social development and speaking skills. It’s important to eat together as a family. As the child grows older, those who enjoy family meals often behave better. Research has also found that adolescents who live with their families are generally better off at school and less likely to suffer from depression. The fact that there is a time when they can talk and eat together at the end of the day strengthens the bonds within the family.

There are a few rules for creating happy, enjoyable routines for your baby. If you need to get up early in the morning, dress your baby as soon as you wake up and go out with the stroller. Or plan to leave the house in the afternoon and spend quiet time at home in the morning. If your baby starts rubbing his eyes in the middle of the day, you need to let it go, then you can get things done!

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