In every situation, Canbebe is with you!
Babies using Canbebe are in a good mood! Canbebe is friendly to your baby's skin with its BPA, Paraben and Perfume-free formula!
Discover our products
Canbebe so that your baby's sleep is not disturbed! The feeling of comfort and dryness all day long is at Canbebe!

Baby Diaper Changing Mat
Create a safe space for your baby wherever you are with the Canbebe Baby Diaper Changing Mat.
Baby care
Games and Toys for Your 3-Month-Old Baby
0 Comments3 Minutes
At this time, your baby may also start to show interest in objects and toys that he/she can touch or hold. Choose toys that are lightweight, easy to grasp by hand, too big to…
Strategies to Put Your Baby to Sleep
0 Comments5 Minutes
Newborns have difficulty distinguishing between day and night, which explains their short bursts. However, when your baby is a few weeks old, he can start to teach himself the…
Our other tools
Pregnancy Calendar
Start reading our articles to learn about what will change in your body and your baby's development during the weeks of pregnancy!
Birthbag list
When preparing your hospital bag before birth, do not forget to check the birth bag list.
Our policies
With its strong commitment to corporate responsibility and sustainability, Ontex is the leading supplier of high-quality personal hygiene products and services, making it the preferred business partner of numerous consumer, retailer, lifestyle brand partners, corporate and private healthcare providers around the world.
Information security
Ontex Consumer Products Industry and Trade Inc., undertakes to take measures to ensure and protect the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of the organization’s information assets.
Ontex is widely recognized as a leading manufacturer of high quality personal hygiene products. Globally, we are a preferred business partner by consumers, retailers, business partners with lifestyle brands, corporate and private healthcare providers. We work to make a positive impact on society and make people’s lives better.
Canbebe on Social Media!
Join our community of mothers and fathers on social media. Be close to caring community, sharing advices between each other on our everyday life with our baby.