Baby's Height and Weight
At 32 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is about 42-43 centimeters tall, up to a jicama. Their weight is about 1700 grams.
Development of the Baby

Attention, someone is listening! Of course we’re talking about the little one in your belly. Perhaps the thing that attracts their attention the most in their warm and narrow world is the sounds coming from the outside. They are very accustomed to the sound of you and your partner. Thus, they will calm down as soon as they hear both of your voices after the birth.
As your baby approaches birth, their senses are almost to the perfection of an adult. Their sense of taste has developed to such an incredible degree that they will react if they like the food you eat.
With the exception of the lungs, all of their organs are fully developed and performing their functions. Therefore, almost all babies born at or after 32 weeks of gestation survive. However, they definitely need to get help for breathing until the 36th week.
At 32 weeks of pregnancy, your baby is growing taller and their skin continues to become gain fat. The toenails were also greatly elongated.
In the womb, the 32-week-old baby began to sleep two-thirds of the time. According to research, from these weeks on, babies begin to develop their dreaming abilities.
Their heart rate is starting to slow down a little. Their heart can also be affected by your heartbeat. For this reason, it is useful to have as calm days as possible.
32-Week Baby Moves
Although your baby’s space is narrowed, they are still active. Since their muscles are now very strong, you can feel the movements of the baby at 32 weeks of pregnancy in the form of strong blows. Tiny blows or stretching your body can sometimes hurt. Now you can better understand whether the blows came from those tiny hands or feet. Some babies are calm in the womb, while others are very active until birth. This state of activity is usually parallel after birth. The same goes for the sleep and wake cycle. If your baby can sleep in your belly for a long time, their sleep routine will probably be similar after birth.
Ultrasound Image

In the 32-week pregnancy ultrasound images, you will be very excited to see your baby who is getting chubby and growing taller.
From the 32nd week of pregnancy, the doctor will not request frequent ultrasound if it is not necessary. Ultrasound examination is performed much more frequently in our country than in developed countries. While ultrasound is recommended a maximum of 3-6 times in a normal pregnancy in developed countries, the number of ultrasounds in our country can reach approximately 11-12 during a normal pregnancy. Since it has not yet been proven whether the rays and sound reaching the baby from the ultrasound will harm the baby, the less ultrasound you undergo, the better. If everything is fine, you can also request less ultrasound examination from your doctor. However, if some problems have been detected during the pregnancy process, it is mandatory and important to have an ultrasound examination as often as the doctor recommends, especially after the 30th week.
Changes in the Mother's Body
How many months is 32 weeks? You are in the first week of your 8th month of pregnancy.
The peak of your uterus (fundus) is now almost 4-5 centimeters above your navel at 32 weeks of pregnancy. This will cause you to feel short of breath, heartburn and indigestion as it stretches your ribs and compresses your organs.
As the pressure on your stomach increases with the growth of the uterus, your tendency to overeat may decrease. Eating frequently and little will prevent you from experiencing reflux problems.
Your baby’s organ development is complete. And their lungs are in the final stages of development. Therefore, if the birth takes place at 32 weeks, the chances of survival are very high. They will only need to receive assistance for up to 4 weeks for breathing.
Points need to be considered
You may experience urinary incontinence, as your uterus growing at 32 weeks of pregnancy will put pressure on your bladder. It’s best to meet your toilet needs without jamming too much each time.
Sleeping During Pregnancy
The growth of your abdomen at 32 weeks of pregnancy can cause frequent interruptions in your nighttime sleep. For this reason, you may feel tired and angry. You should take more frequent rest breaks during these periods of pregnancy. You should sleep when you have the chance. Inconvenient positions when sleeping; lying on back and right side. Lying on your back can cause pressure on the main vessel leading to the heart. Since you also have a vein on the right side, if you lie on your right side, you may still have a problem with your blood circulation. Not getting enough blood to the heart is risky for the mother and the baby. The healthiest thing is to lie on your left side. If you lie on your left side, your blood circulation will be healthy. Lying to the left also positively affects your baby’s blood circulation. In addition, lying on the left side allows more blood to go to the placenta and allows your digestive system to perform its functions in a healthy way and sleep more comfortably. You can support your back with a few pillows to reduce your low back pain when lying on your left side. In this way, you will prevent you from switching to the supine position without realizing it while sleeping.
Here are recommendations for a comfortable sleep during pregnancy:
– Do not condemn yourself to inactivity because you are pregnant. If you have the opportunity, get moving, do your exercises regularly and go for a walk,
– Do not sleep too long during your breaks during the day,
– Always take care to go to bed at the same time,
– Do not skip your dinner and do not overeat,
– Do not eat heavy foods before going to sleep, as this type of food can make you sleepy. However, if your blood sugar is low, you may not be able to sleep this time. It is best to have a light snack, such as yogurt, before going to bed,
– Restrict your fluid intake in the evening to avoid frequent urination at night. Meet your fluid needs abundantly during the day,
– If you are not sensitive to milk, drinking warm milk 1 hour before sleep allows you to go to sleep and sleep deeply. If you are sensitive to milk, you can also eat 1 bowl of warm yogurt 1 hour before sleep,
– If your sleep is interrupted because you need to go to the toilet frequently at night, be careful not to drink fluids in the evening,
– Don’t think about things that worry you before you go to sleep. Share the issues that bother you a lot with your wife in the evening and relax,
– Sleeping with a high pillow or a few pillows overlapping under your head may prevent the reflux problem that may occur at night,
– Practice pregnancy yoga before going to sleep. Meditating after yoga also allows you to sleep deeply and calmly.
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