Baby's Height and Weight
At 23 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is about 29-30 centimeters tall, the size of a grapefruit. Is weight is about 360 grams.
Development of the Baby

As your baby grows, you are rapidly approaching the day she will be born. It is very common for your baby to have some changes in your body while miraculous developments continue in your excited waiting. Here are the developments in your baby and changes in you at 23 weeks of pregnancy…
At 23 weeks of pregnancy, your baby’s brain cells and senses continue to develop. He/she makes more conscious movements because his/her senses are developed. As his/her consciousness increases, he/she is ready to make new discoveries in terms of taste, touch and hearing in his/her life inside.
It will be good for your baby to communicate with you. Recognizing you and your partner’s voice will ensure that both of you are relieved when they hear your voice after birth.
Babies can also hear their mother’s heartbeat. In this way, an instant calming is observed in babies left on their mother’s chest after birth. In this respect, the “Skin-to-Skin Contact” application, which ensures that the mother and baby are not separated after birth, is important. In recent years, if there is no health obstacle in mother and baby-friendly birth practices, it is aimed that the mother and baby should not be separated from each other after birth. In this process, “Skin to Skin Contact” and breastfeeding are provided between the mother and the baby. In this application, the second person to whom the baby is given is the father, and thus the baby is introduced to family germs. In addition, it is stated that babies who are not separated from their mothers for the first 45 minutes feel safe during their adulthood. This union also strengthens the bond between mother and baby. If you think such issues are very important, be sure to discuss your postpartum preferences with your doctor and request your right to skin-to-skin contact.
In the 23rd week of pregnancy, as your baby continues to swallow amniotic fluid in order to breathe and to work the digestive system, the maturation of the lungs continues. Surfactant substance is produced in the lungs that will allow breathing after birth. Starting next week, your baby will be able to live with medical help outside the womb.
At 23 weeks of pregnancy, your baby’s subcutaneous fat layer continues to increase, but blood vessels still appear. A pasty thick layer of oil called vernix caseosa (vernix caseeosa) continues to form on the skin surface. Thanks to this layer, both the baby’s temperature and immune system are protected. This slippery layer of fat also facilitates the baby’s passage through the birth canal.
Their nails and hair continue to develop.
Your baby can sleep on your stomach and continue to wake up and move.
At the 23rd week of pregnancy, your baby’s eyes are moving, but it is still 3-4 weeks before they open and close their eyelids.
23-Week Pregnancy Baby Movements
Ultrasound Image

In 23-week gestational ultrasound images, the baby is seen with her legs pulled to their abdomen in their classic position as usual. Although baby’s body continues to fat, they still has a weak appearance.
At 23 weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s space is still large, so it is possible to see these movements on ultrasound. Their arms, legs and head are in motion. You can see that from the front or from the profile section.
In the 23-week pregnancy images, you can see your baby making various facial expressions, such as grimacing, smiling, or sticking out the tongue.
Detailed ultrasound is requested from the expectant mother between the 19th and 23rd weeks of pregnancy. Detailed ultrasound scanning is performed by perinatologists. Perinatologists study problems in unborn babies. This ultrasound, which examines the structures of the baby, also has colored ones. Color ultrasound does not give the baby’s true skin color. It only allows you to see it in skin color. These images excite parents because they can see their babies. If the specialist deems it necessary, he/she wants to make a more detailed evaluation for the baby’s heart evaluation.
Points need to be considered
You may have low back pain as your baby, and therefore your belly, grows. Here are a few suggestions to reduce your low back pain:
– The cause of your low back pain may be your bra. Without wasting time, it is useful to shop for a bra that is suitable for the size of your breasts and will carry them easily,
If your weight is higher than normal, your low back pain may be too much. For this reason, if you tend to overeat, you should restrain yourself and eat as much as necessary,
– Pay attention to your shoe selection. Heels can increase your lower back pain. It is best to wear comfortable shoes without heels during pregnancy.
– Try not to stand for a long time,
– Do not carry heavy shopping packages,
– Sit calmly while sitting and do not sit for too long. Try not to slouch when sitting and standing,
– When getting out of bed, first turn sideways and get up,
– Try to loosen your waist area. The best way to do this is to do pregnancy yoga,
– When driving, adjust the back of the seat to your waist,
– Do not reach out to take anything from the shelf,
– Raise your legs high while resting.
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