My baby is very dependent on his/her pacifier, what should I do?
Your child’s distress is certainly not serious. Still, it is not ideal to leave the pacifier for a long time. When your child gets bored, it’s seen as a better option than doing something interesting. When he gets hungry or thirsty, it may be better to dodge it with a cracker and some milk. Or when you’re upset, it’s a different option than telling you what you want.
One of the most obvious signs of a pacifier addict’s discomfort is decreased listening activity. This hinders his confidence in his ability to express his needs. What’s more, a child who is too dependent on their pacifier may start to feel insecure when they don’t always have a pacifier in their mouth.
If you’re ready to cope with a few tears, you should start gradually reducing your baby’s pacifier dependency. The first step is to limit pacifier use to bedtime.
You can start by gradually giving up the pacifier and entrust it to him. In this way, it is not up to you to know where the pacifier of the pacifier addicts is at any moment, he has to go himself in order to get it. Of course, if her pacifier goes missing, you’ll help her look for it. But without the pacifier, you have to get him used to the idea that it’s easier to play and talk and even listen to a story or watch a video.
When daytime addiction subsides, start to warm up to the idea that her bed is the best place for the pacifier. In fact, don’t forbid him from using it anywhere else, if you do, his anxiety will make him need what he loves more. Instead, when you find it somewhere else, put it on its pillow and let them know that the pacifier is now in its bed, but that it will be found anywhere at any time.
If he spends a lot of time in the car and usually stops in the car seat, it may be necessary to reconcile with a second pacifier standing there. Consider tying the pacifier to the seat, don’t go to the mall or grocery store with it.
By this time, the habit of putting the pacifier in his mouth will be over, no matter what, and he will associate the habit with the comfort of suction that sleep gives him.
Of course, if your spouse or child’s caregivers disagree about your plans, it can hurt the process of releasing the pacifier. If his father refuses to leave him in his short sleep when he decides today is the day to give up the pacifier, or if his brain refuses to let go of the pacifier even in his sleep, you have a lot of work to do.
Be sure to collaborate with your caregiver to separate the toddler from their pacifier and choose your path well to help them say goodbye to the pacifier.