Sleep Hours
So far, your baby’s internal clock has started and she can distinguish between night and day. He should be on his way to a certain sleep pattern. During this time, babies need an average of 14 hours of sleep a day. At 4 months, the baby can go 8 hours without feeding; at 5 months, he can sleep for 11 hours. Babies sleep for four to five hours with 3 sleep episodes throughout the day. By 6 months of age, babies need an average of 11 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night, and their 3.5-hour daytime thighs are spread over two or three sleeps.
Time to Move?
This is usually when a baby becomes too big for his cot and can preferably sleep uninterruptedly in his own room. Don’t feel bad as a parent when you decide to separate her from the room. This will be a day and you need to decide on the time of moving as soon as possible.
Act consistently.
Children want to be habitual, so it’s important for the baby to spend boarding time. Nadav Traeger, M.D., director of pediatric sleep medicine at Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital at Westchester Medical Centre, says: “Once you’ve decided on the next bedtime, you’ll see that the baby prefers bedtime.” And do you know the “fascinating hour” that many new moms are talking about? It usually happens in the evening, and the main reason for this is that the baby is tired. If your baby is fussy around 6 a.m., start getting them ready for bed by 5:30 so they fall asleep before they start crying.
Don’t underestimate short naps.
Babies get more tired at night if they don’t sleep at noon, and their insomnia, along with their increased fatigue, makes it harder for them to sleep, contrary to what you might think.
Recognizing Sleep Signals.
Your baby will send you amazing clear signs that she’s ready to go to sleep. Often children have their own personal sleep signals, and parents should be open to these signs. This means that the child is tired, ready for sleep, and you need to capture the magic moment when they fall asleep. At this moment, there’s a slight silence and he looks at you calmly. Other signals are like yawning, rubbing eyes, and losing interest in other people or their toys. The key is to put your baby to bed before he gets so tired; otherwise, he’ll start crying.
Start Sleep Training.
We all wake up several times during the night. As adults simply turn around and return to a dormant state, many babies wait for you to enter the room and ask for help to go to them. It’s important that your baby learns to feel comfortable. It’s up to you to help your baby fall asleep without crying or not waking up while asleep.
If you haven’t already, start cutting off their feed day and night. “I really want to focus on meeting the baby’s nutritional needs during the day, so he doesn’t eat at night,” West says. She must have eaten after sleeping through the night or only once at night. To accomplish this goal, West suggests a program that you feed more often in the afternoon or early evening. “This can help calm him down, improve his evening sleep, and relax you if he’s full enough at night,” she says.
End Separation Anxiety.
Your baby’s fear of being separated from you peaks in the first 6 months, and your baby may resist sleep to be with you or fight to wake up several times during the night before bed. Helping your child to attract his willpower can alleviate this problem. “A special plush animal or blanket, called a transitional object, can be a useful tool for reducing separation anxiety and weakening other uncomfortable nighttime habits,” West says.