Baby's Height and Weight
At the end of the 2nd month of pregnancy, the baby’s height has increased to about 15-16 mm, about the size of a raspberry or a small strawberry. Its weight is about 2 grams.
Development of the Baby
At the beginning of the 2nd month of pregnancy, your baby, still as small as a dot, is undergoing miraculous transformations as it grows inside you.
In the body structure of your baby, who will live as an embryo in the 2nd month in your womb, 3 main layers called ectoderm, mesotherm and endoderm are formed. Ectoderm is the structure that forms the baby’s nervous system, spinal cord system, ears, eyes, connective tissues, inner ear, skin and hair. Mesotherm forms the heart and circulatory system and internal organs. Again, this layer provides the formation of muscles, bones, reproductive organs and kidneys in the future. Endoderm is the layer that forms the internal organs such as the lungs, intestines and bladder, thyroids and pancreas.
At the beginning of the 2nd month, the 2 structures that make up the brain and the first stages of the coccyx begin to form. The baby has the appearance of a tube extending from the brain to the tail. Throughout this tube, the formation foundations of some organs are laid.
The embryo develops in a fluid-filled bubble called the amniotic sac and grows in this sac throughout the pregnancy. For several weeks, the baby is only fed by a structure called the yolk sac, which is covered with membranes. From the beginning of this month until it is fully formed, the placenta continues to produce blood cells. While the yolk sac continues to provide blood cells to the baby, the placenta and umbilical cord, on the other hand, will begin to perform their duty to hold on to the baby’s mother, and thus to life. Complete destruction of the yolk sac occurs in the middle of the 3rd month.
At the end of 2 months of pregnancy, your baby will be about to complete the transition from embryo to fetus, and the growth rate will have increased 4 times from one and a half months of pregnancy to the end of the 2nd month.
The bone structure is still in the form of cartilage tissue. The fingers and toes have formed, but they are still not completely separated from each other, and they are also very short. His/her wrist, elbow, and knee joints are visible.
At 2 months of pregnancy, the details on the baby’s face continue to develop even more prominently: the nose, lips and ears become more prominent. The eyelids are almost ready to take their final shape. Eye structures also continue to form. The length of the eyes begins to grow and color.
All four chambers of the heart were formed in the 2-month-old baby in the womb. His heart gets stronger every day.
The forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain have almost completed their development.
Along with the central nervous system, the development of main organs such as lung, pancreas and intestine continues.
Although the baby’s skin is formed in the 2nd month, it has a transparent structure.
The tooth and palate structure began to form at the end of the 2nd month of pregnancy.
In a 2-month-old baby, the sexual organs begin to form more clearly. However, it is not clear whether it is a girl or a boy, usually it is not seen on ultrasound before 16 weeks.
Ultrasound Image
You can see the 2-month-old baby moving on ultrasound. Some babies may even have arm and leg movements. The expectant mother will not feel these movements yet.
In the image of 2 months of pregnancy in the womb, the baby is still standing in an inverted C shape. His head, which is more erect than last week, is still large for his size and almost the same size as his body. The baby’s heartbeat can be seen on ultrasound this week. Arm and leg formations and eye part can be seen clearly.
Changes in the Mother's Body
For the safe development of the baby in the womb, the mother's cervix has completed the formation of a mucus plug (cervix). By the end of the 2nd month, the uterus is almost the size of an orange. At 2 months of pregnancy, the uterus rests on the bladder. This can cause a feeling of frequent urination, even if your urine is low. This will disappear during the middle months of pregnancy, but in the last months of pregnancy, the uterus will again weigh on the bladder.
Your doctor may recommend that you discontinue folic acid supplementation at the end of the 2nd month. Because until this week, the development of the canal (neural tube development) where the brain and spinal cord are located in the baby has been completed.
In the second month of pregnancy, the function of the hormone responsible for the development of the inner layer of the uterus, where the baby is placed, will be transferred from the ovarian tissue to the structure called the placenta, which is responsible for the nutrition of the baby. At this stage of transfer, some expectant mothers may have spotting-style bleeding.
In addition, you may have cramp-like pain and sometimes spotting-style bleeding similar to menstrual pains on the dates corresponding to your menstrual period in the 2nd month. Although this is normal for some pregnant women, if you encounter bleeding during two months of pregnancy, you should inform your doctor immediately.
Other 2-month pregnancy symptoms include:
– Feeling tired,
– Excessive desire to sleep,
– Frequent urge to urinate,
– Swelling in the breast area,
– Pain and tenderness are observed,
– Thickening in the waist area,
– Nausea, heartburn and indigestion,
- Headaches
- Constipation
– Dryness, itching and acne on skin.
Some or none of these 2-month pregnancy symptoms may not be seen in some expectant mothers. These pregnancies also usually progress in a healthy way. Nevertheless, these expectant mothers should also have their routine examinations, be careful not to feed and not to make excessive-sudden movements and not to lift heavy.
Points need to be considered
In the 2nd month of pregnancy, you may experience some concerns due to hormonal reasons. Negative emotions may also be based on the expectant mother's fear of looking ugly and sexually distancing herself from her partner as the pregnancy progresses. It will be a great relief for you to share these concerns with your partner and take some precautions.
In addition, being well-groomed and looking good is also good for the expectant mother. For example, if it is a planned pregnancy, it is a good solution to dye the hair natural color before pregnancy. Although no scientific research has been conducted on this subject, needs such as hair dyeing should be paused during pregnancy.
Nausea and indigestion
For some expectant mothers, nausea is inevitable in the second month. Here are a few suggestions to get you through this process:
– Do not consume fatty foods,
– Eat often and little,
– Snack on a low-salt cracker before getting out of bed,
– Drink mint tea.
If you have frequent severe vomiting, dehydration may occur in the body. In this case, you may need to take serum at the hospital. Water and minerals lost with the serum are replaced. If you feel nauseous and your vomiting continues severely in the days after you take the serum, your doctor will recommend an anti-nausea medicine. It is stated that anti-nausea drugs are safe in the early stages of pregnancy.
In order to avoid heartburn and indigestion, you can pay attention to the following:
– Try not to gain too much weight,
– Swallow food slowly and chew a lot,
– Do not consume spicy and bitter foods. Stay away from delicatessen products. Take care not to consume chocolate and coffee,
– Do not wear tight clothes,
– Do not consume junk food and fast food. Make yourself healthy snacks at home.
Excessive cravings for certain foods may be seen in 2-month pregnant women. This condition, which can continue occasionally throughout the entire pregnancy and is called craving, usually occurs as a result of hormonal changes. It is stated that craving may also occur because the body needs a vitamin or mineral that is deficient. This may occur more frequently, especially in expectant mothers who experience intense nausea and have to be deprived of certain foods. Craving can sometimes be a way to attract attention in expectant mothers who do not receive much attention from their spouses and relatives. Whatever it is, it should not be insensitive to the desires of the body and the expectant mother should eat the food she desires if possible (if it is seasonal and a food that can be found).
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