Baby's Height and Weight
At 18 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is 15-17 centimeters tall, about the size of a bell pepper or a large pomegranate. Its weight is about 190-200 grams.
Development of the Baby

This week’s surprise in the process of miraculous development: Your baby’s fingerprints have formed.
Here is 18 weeks of baby development…
At 18 weeks pregnant, your baby can now hear much better, giving you more pleasure to communicate with her. Speak and sing to your baby whenever you can, who will be able to hear both your and your partner’s voices. If you push them a little over your abdominal wall while talking, they will feel you. You can also make them listen to classical music. The more you communicate with your baby, the more they will recognize your voice in the coming weeks. They can hear your heart rhythm and the sounds coming from your organs. Their own heart rhythm may vary according to the sounds coming from outside. If you go to a vibrant music concert, your baby can make quick movements like jumping.
At 18 weeks of gestation, your baby’s genitals have developed. Millions of eggs have been formed in female babies. This number decreases to 1-2 million at birth. The baby’s uterus and vaginal cavity have begun to form. Prostate development in male babies is completed this week. His testicles have not yet descended from the abdominal cavity into the ovarian bag. Both male and female babies have developed mammary glands and nipples.
At 18 weeks, feces called meconium begin to form in the baby’s intestines.
As respiratory studies accelerate in the 18th week of pregnancy, the sucking and swallowing reflex also develops. Your baby may swallow amniotic fluid. Since they excrete as urine, the amniotic fluid is renewed. If there is enough amniotic fluid, the baby’s lungs will also develop healthy. Even if babies meet their oxygen and nutrient needs from the placenta until birth, the lungs need to swell and fade in the amniotic fluid so that they can prepare to breathe after birth.
At 18 weeks of pregnancy, the ability to grasp continues to develop. They can hold her face or umbilical cord with their tiny and thin fingers.
At 18 weeks of pregnancy, your baby may stretch when they are sleepy. You can feel them sobbing, as if in tiny jumps in succession.
In the 18th week of pregnancy, even if their eyes are closed, they can move them to the right and left. Babies can sleep between 20 minutes and 2 hours in the womb.
Are Baby Movements Felt During 18 Weeks of Pregnancy?
Ultrasound Images

Can an 18-Week-Old Baby Image Show Gender?
If the baby’s posture allows, the doctor can see the gender on ultrasound images at 18 weeks.
Changes in the Mother's Body
How many months is 18 weeks? Your full 4 months of pregnancy are over.
At 18 weeks of pregnancy, the mother’s abdomen continues to grow. The upper part of your uterus is in the middle of your pubic bone and belly button.
Expectant mothers who have had their first pregnancy may still not have begun to feel the movements of their babies. They’ll probably feel it first at 22-23 weeks.
You are expected to have gained an average of 4.5-6 kg at 18 weeks of pregnancy.
You may have leg cramps this week. You may experience absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. You may have swelling in your feet and hands.
During the 18th week of pregnancy, red spots called spider mole may occur in your face, neck and chest area due to the enlargement of your blood vessels. The black line called the linea nigra in the middle of your abdomen continues to become prominent. There may be color changes in the abdomen. Some women have brownish discoloration of the face called a pregnancy mask (chloasma).
Your constipation may continue at 18 weeks of pregnancy. You may have a hemorrhoid problem. If you have a hemorrhoid problem, take extra care of your diet instead of using hemorrhoid cream. Drink plenty of water, eat fibrous foods. And move. If there is a condition such as pain or burning in your anus area, you can relieve that area by applying oils with natural content and healing effect.
You may experience groin pain during 18 weeks of pregnancy. This is due to tension and stretching in the muscles around the uterus due to growth.
Points need to be considered
Since your abdomen is getting bigger every day, you may be having trouble with what to wear. When choosing maternity clothes, it is useful to pay attention to:
– You don’t have to buy maternity clothes. You can find options that you can easily wear from a store that sells normal clothes,
– You can choose a few pants that can stretch the abdomen as your belly grows,
– Do not shop too much, because you may not want to wear these clothes after pregnancy,
– You can buy accessories and shoes that you can use after birth. Even if your clothing is simple, a flashy earring, a colorful scarf, a nice hat or a colorful cloth shoe will give you a different atmosphere,
– Don’t buy too many of your pregnancy bras in the first place. Because as your breasts grow, bras in the first half of pregnancy may start to feel tight to you,
– Do not choose nylon and jersey clothing. Prefer clothes made of cotton and healthy fabric,
– Do not choose too tight clothing as it will negatively affect your blood circulation, if you prefer tight clothing, make sure that it has flexible fabric,
– You can borrow clothes from an acquaintance. Or you can also buy second-hand maternity clothes.
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