Do you think self-confidence is that he/she can easily enter among his/her friends, ask the waiter for a napkin, or gain skills suitable for his/her development? In fact, self-confidence is a broader concept. It is a concept that comes with birth and can be shaped by the environment and opportunities we offer it and our stance in life. Babies start to adapt to the world from the moment they are born. The following phenomenon occurs in the baby by meeting the basic needs on time in the first place:

“The world is a safe place” That is, he learns to trust first. He/she feels that he/she is loved and cared for by those around him/her. Then he/she recognizes his/her body’s wishes and needs and learns to find solutions by conveying them to the people responsible for his/her care

A baby with internal self-confidence; that is, a child who knows and loves himself/herself will now show the outside that he/she has full external self-confidence that can express himself/herself through communication.
At first, crying and body language turn into speech and movement over time.

Recognizing their needs is an important criterion at this stage. Because when he/she stops his/her adult support, he/she will need to take steps to meet his/her needs.
The task of the parent in this regard is to support him/her to the extent of his/her skills and to ensure that he/she succeeds on his/her own by gradually reducing that support.

As the child gains experience, he/she will gain self-confidence. He will learn that he has succeeded in experimenting and will not be afraid to try. Therefore, it is one of our most important duties as parents to create a safe environment where they can gain new experiences in terms of self-confidence.
Allow him/her to explore the areas where he/she is talented. He/she may not be interested in the field he/she is talented in, so understand that. Maybe he got bored, maybe he lost his motivation, maybe he reached the highest point he could in that field and now he is looking for new discoveries?

We can say that the monkey wants to open up new areas where he can try himself, not appetite. Therefore, giving him/her the opportunity to experience different areas will help him/her to get to know himself/herself.

Showing his/her competencies, increasing the simple goals he/she can do in accordance with his/her developmental age and not comparing! Your child will necessarily have weaknesses. Let them know you’ve noticed them, but look for the solution together to improve it. So don’t even offer him the solution. Say “I wonder what should be done”and think about different solutions. In this way, he will learn that the problem is being dealt with to combat the situation and solve it. In order for him/her not to feel inadequate because of his/her sense of failure, instead of sitting and crying in the problem situation, he/she will resolve and reach a solution.

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