Jealousy is one of our natural emotions. Jealousy seen in children with a small age difference (3 years or less) and jealousy after 3 years of age are observed. Around the age of 3, the child thinks that the world revolves around him/her since he/she is already in the self-centered period.
The fact that a new sibling has vital needs and the family has to fulfill his/her wishes and needs is exhausting for parents in this period. Because while the first child needed attention and your time, there was another child behind him. While they have not yet developed the ability to live independently, your interest in someone else makes them angry . It causes him to make unusual movements. When a new guest arrives at your home, don’t they behave differently than usual, either becoming quieter or more animated? Both are a change in behavior. It’s not just for a new sibling, they want to draw attention to themselves, even when you’re talking to someone else. So what’s really Jealous here is that the attention is going to someone else. Don’t just think of them as siblings. But to love with a way of loving a cute actor like the one approached to him is to ask for attention in the form of making big brother love me and let me laugh too. When the younger sibling is 6 months old and sits upright and smiles around, it is usually the period when parents consult experts;) Your young child takes his/her toys in his/her hands and does not leave them. So now that he’s starting to play, the older kid wants to take what he’s got, and the first bickering begins. Because both are in the egocentric period. Because it is thought that parents can be more attentive so that the older child is not affected conscientiously, the other is small, he/she is more easily attracted to something else. The older child is now thinking of creating a strategy to get what they want. If the age difference of the children is more than 3-4 years old, if they also go to school, they will be at a level that can learn to wait in line and be patient. At least now, when you say it’s his brother’s turn (but limit the time to a few seconds), he will be able to be very patient and give. In addition, we see here that the young child does not want to give and does not comply with the rules. Because he’s still in the egocentric era! Don’t just try to be equal; be fair. Whatever the issue they do not agree on, priority may be more appropriate for those who are more sensitive about it.
Sister loves painting with a green pencil because interests have developed due to her age. The younger brother also wants the pen in my hand. In fact, it doesn’t matter if it’s green for him! Only the object that your sister enjoys spending time with is important to her! In such a case, you can encourage your sister to give her sister paper and invite her to her game, and of course, she can persuade another color pencil because she suddenly got involved in your sister’s game while going to buy a pencil from her sister! Sister arranged a chair for him, the paper showed him where he had to paint, and he supported his play by saying that now the paint was blue, now it was green, now it was red. He distributed his brother’s desire for the green pen in his own hand to other colors. As in this example, the older child is mind-blowing for communication. Therefore, you can determine strategies with your sister to reach an agreement. “I understand you, it sometimes upsets you that your brother wants what he takes in his hands. When you were little, you wanted everything. When you got a little older, you started sharing. Your sibling also needs time to grow up. “You can lay the foundations of the conciliatory approach with the child with a large age difference. When your toddler is a little older, please do the same reminder to your toddler. Not always as a small, always managed individual; when the time and place comes, he/she can develop compromising ways.
An approach that devalues your brother, such as “Let’s leave him at home with the father, he won’t understand, let’s go to the cinema with you”, will be an inappropriate approach.
The harmony of siblings is related to the value you attach to each of them with your administration. Please act by considering the interests and sensitivities of each of your children as parents, considering their developmental characteristics. A happy peaceful home is in your hands. You decide whether the aim is to cause problems, to tell the problems or to solve the problem….