Why Do Babies Spit?
Why does my baby spit so much?
He’s probably just trying to feed. And she’s not alone: almost half of young babies spit. The spitting interval is the first 4 months.
When your baby swallows the air with his milk or formula, the air gets trapped with the liquid. And somehow that air has to come out, and when that comes out, some of the liquid comes out of your mouth or your nose.
Babies feed according to their size, and some really like to eat, so they can sometimes overfeed and overfeeding can be observed as an effect of this overfeeding.
The digestive system of a newborn baby is also not fully developed. The muscles beneath your baby’s esophagus that control whether food is coming or not may still be speeding up. It’s no wonder your baby gets a lot of laundry dirty.
Is there anything I can do about it?
Try these tips to help your baby eat:
• Keep your baby in an upright position while feeding. Feeding her while she sits drugged (as if curled up in her arms or seated in a car seat) doesn’t help get the nutrients into her stomach.
• Keep feeding hours calm. Minimize noise and other distractions and make sure to feed your baby before they get very hungry. If they are distracted or very hungry, they are more likely to swallow air with food.
• If your baby drinks milk or formula from the bottle, make sure that the hole in the pacifier is not too small, as the small hole may irritate your baby and cause him to swallow air. On the other hand, if the hole is too large, he may spit and vomit because the liquid will come to him too quickly. Read our advice on choosing nipples and bottles.
• Pass your baby’s gas after each feeding. In fact, if your baby experiences a natural pause during feeding, try to relax and fart before giving him more food. That way, if there’s air inside, it’ll show up before more food gets on it. (Don’t forget to put a soft cloth on your shoulder first!)
If you pass gas within a few minutes, don’t worry. Your baby probably doesn’t need to be flatulent right away.
• Keep pressure away from the stomach. Make sure your baby’s clothes and diaper aren’t too tight, and don’t put her belly on your shoulder while you’re farting. Avoid car trips immediately after feeding, as lying on the car seat can also put pressure on your baby’s belly.
• Try to keep your baby standing for at least half an hour after feeding, so that gravity can make things even easier for him.
• Overfeed. If your baby seems to spit out a little too much after each feeding, he may be overeating. You can try to give her a little less formula, or you can see if she is satisfied by breastfeeding for a little less time. (He/she may want to eat less food and eat more frequently.)
• If you are breastfeeding, ask your doctor if there is anything in your diet that will cause your baby to spit out more (sometimes cow’s milk can cause this).
• If your baby tends to vomit and spit while sleeping, raise his head. It’s unsafe for your baby to sleep with a pillow, but you can attach a foam wedge under one end of the bed or safely put the head of the cot on the blocks.
When will my baby stop spitting?
As your baby’s muscles develop and become stronger, your baby can keep their food in the belly. Most babies stop spitting at about 6 or 7 months or until they learn to sit on their own. Although rare, this may last until the first birthday.
How do I know if it’s saliva or vomiting?
Vomiting is usually stronger and more pronounced. If your baby seems distressed, he’s probably vomiting.
Could spitting be a sign of something serious?
It’s very normal for babies to spit out, but if your baby isn’t gaining weight as they should, be sure to check with their doctor. Infants who do not gain enough weight because they spit too much or who have difficulty breathing may suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease or Gerd.
If your baby starts to vomit rapidly by retching, call your doctor immediately. This may be a sign of a condition called pilal stenosis, in which the muscles at the bottom of the intestine thicken and prevent food from flowing into the small intestine, for example, if it is a vomiting that gags and rushes to the other end of the room. This usually happens at an age of about 1 month.
In addition, if you see green bile in your baby’s vomit, call your doctor immediately. This may be a sign of obstruction in your baby’s intestines, which may indicate a scan in the emergency room and possibly an emergency surgery.