Development of the Baby

You’re not the only one who can’t wait for your baby to come into the world. Rest assured that your little one is now aware that the journey in your belly is nearing its end. Your baby is preparing for birth in every way. Although she is an average of 4-6 weeks away from giving birth, she must have already taken the delivery position. Probably his head is down and he has placed his head inside the pelvis, waiting…

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is growing taller. The area around his skin, organs, and some muscles continues to get greasy.

Although surfactant production continues in the 36-week-old baby in the womb, his lungs have developed to a large extent. And if she’s born this week, she’s probably able to breathe unaided. Her sucking muscles will be fully developed by the end of this week, so she is able to suck on her mother’s breast. The digestive system is ready for it.

His heart beats between 110-150 beats per minute.

The length of the placenta has reached 20-25 centimeters and its thickness has reached 2-3 centimeters. This precious structure, which has almost everything for the baby during pregnancy, will weigh 700-750 grams at birth.

Male babies at 36 weeks of pregnancy are very close to having their testicles fully descended into their pouches.

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s large intestines continue to produce black poop called meconium. If the baby has a problem, he/she can poop. If the amniotic fluid comes in this week and it is a dark color, there is a chance that the baby made this poop on his mother’s belly. The doctor may decide to initiate labor in such a case.

Baby Movements at 36 Weeks Pregnancy

What would your baby say if she could talk? Would he say, “Let me out of here,” or would he say, “This place is beautiful, I have no intention of going anywhere.” Or perhaps he could have said, “I’d better grow up and get out.” Jokes aside, it is a fact that babies are affected by their mothers’ mood and physical health. If everything is fine during your pregnancy, if you are happy and peaceful, if you pay attention to your diet, if you are having pleasant conversations with her, if you are not doing something that will stress you and make you feel tired, she will most likely be happy and peaceful. This reflects his happiness most in his movements; if he sleeps well, wakes up and continues to move during these weeks, everything is fine.

Ultrasound Image

In ultrasound images at 36 weeks, your doctor will look at your baby’s position, heart rate, movements and the amount of amniotic fluid.
The position of the 36-week-old baby in the womb is expected to be upside down and facing the back of the mother. The face can sometimes be on the right or left. If your baby is not standing upside down, your doctor may recommend that you use the following options to make her head turn down:
– He/she may recommend rotating the baby over the abdomen with himself/herself or another obstetrician (another experienced doctor or midwife). Although this procedure is not suitable for every expectant mother, it should be performed in an environment where emergency cesarean conditions are met. Despite this procedure, there is a chance that the baby will not return. This rotation may have some risks. The decision of whether to take these risks belongs to the doctor and the family,
– He/she may ask you to do some exercises,
– He/she may ask you to be mobile until birth, to stand vertically rather than in a horizontal position, that is, to sit.

Changes in the Mother's Body

How many months is 36 weeks of pregnancy? You are now in the 9th month of your pregnancy.

From the 36th week of pregnancy, your belly will come down. People close to you will often notice and say it. This lowering of the abdomen will relieve your stomach area and breastbones the most. The disadvantage will be the increased pressure on your bladder. This can cause you to urinate frequently day and night, as well as pain and soreness in your groin area.

After the 36th gestational week, your weight gain slows down, and when you approach 40 weeks, you may even seem to have lost a little weight and filtered. On the contrary, if you feel swelling in your body, you should inform your doctor about the possibility of high blood pressure (preeclampsia)

At 36 weeks pregnant, your breasts are full of milk, and may even be a little stiff.

These days, if you have or have had sex, you may have a slight brownish discharge. This is a sign that the cervical plug (cervix) is starting to soften. If you have pain and fluid comes in a color close to the blood color, be sure to inform your doctor.

It is useful to be prepared for the possibility of childbirth during the 36th week of pregnancy.

Here are the signs of childbirth…

Increase in the number of false contractions (Braxton Hicks),
Increase in nesting instinct (details below…),
Beginning of regular contractions and every 10 or 15 minutes,
Prolongation of the time of regular contractions, increase in the frequency and severity of contractions,
Increased severity of contractions when you walk or lie down,
Feeling pains in the lower part of your back and abdomen, that is, in your groins, similar to menstrual pains,
blood coming from the cervix in the cervix, that is, because the mucus plug is softened (this is also called Aiming among the people),
Frequent need to go to the toilet,
Lack or excess of amniotic fluid (rupture of membranes).
If these symptoms occur, be sure to inform your doctor.

Points need to be considered

From these weeks of your pregnancy, your nesting instinct may have kicked in. With this instinct, the expectant mother gives herself to the baby’s room preparations without rest, takes an intense interest in all the details about the birth and starts to make some changes at home. At the same time, there may be a frequent and unstoppable desire to clean and tidy the house. Women who live this desire intensely and attempt a strict cleaning at home may find themselves in the delivery room and their babies in their arms. Because the work they do is heavy enough to initiate labor.

The benefit of finishing preparations early in order to control your nesting instinct is huge. In addition, if you get support from an assistant or a relative at least for these last weeks, you will not have to go to birth early. Remember that your baby’s health and yours come first!

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