Baby's Height and Weight
Development of the Baby

Your baby grew incredibly fast compared to the beginning of your second trimester of pregnancy and has gained almost 900 grams to 1 kilogram since then.
Subcutaneous adipose tissue will increase faster from the 27th week of pregnancy. On the other hand, fattening continues around their organs. They will have come a long way in the last 3 months of pregnancy to become a plump baby. As the accumulation of fat on the skin increases, the thin hairs (lanugo) on the skin surface will shed and leave the task of keeping the body warm to these oils.
In the 27th week of pregnancy, as the bonds between the brain and nerve endings increase, the development of their senses is completed. Their eyes have been more sensitive to light since last week, as they open and close their eyelids. If a bright light comes from the abdominal wall, they can squint their eyes.
Since this week, their sensitivity to sounds has also increased. For example, they will now start to distinguish between your voice and your partner’s voice, or they will continue to react by jumping at a sudden sound.
Their brain, and therefore their head, continues to grow. As the signals from the brain to the nerve cells increase, the baby starts to make more conscious movements. According to research, it is stated that a primitive memory is formed in the baby during these weeks. Again, according to research, it is stated that from this week on, babies store the language they hear constantly (it may be a language other than their own) or songs in their memories.
In the 27th week of pregnancy, all the equipment that will allow the baby to breathe in the outside world in the lungs continues to develop at full speed. Thus, in a situation such as preterm birth, there is a chance for the baby to survive with medical help.
The formation of red blood cells in the bones continues in the development of the baby at 27 weeks of pregnancy.
Baby Movements at 27-Weeks Pregnancy
How ready are you for tiny punches and kicks? “Oh my God, what’s happening to this baby?” we seem to hear what you say. Your baby is experiencing the most active periods in their journey in the womb. Don’t say, “Is this kid going to be hyperactive!” Don’t make comments like that. Because it is too early to think that he/she will be hyperactive. The reason why baby movements are so much at the 27th week is that he/she enjoys exploring his/her developing senses and his/her space is still large. The amount of amniotic fluid is also quite sufficient for his acrobatic movements.
It is not that the number of movements will be the same every day. You should still be sensitive to this and inform your doctor if your baby does not move at all within 2 days.
Although it moves so much, it also creates rest and sleep patterns. Of course, as a result of all these movements, these rest breaks are very natural.
Ultrasound Image

In the 27-week pregnancy image, the baby’s body appears proportional. They are still looking a little skinny this week.
Your baby started to be able to breathe in and out by swallowing amniotic fluid regularly. You can feel these movements as hiccups, and you can also see them on the ultrasound. Although they exercise breathing movements, the placenta provides the baby with all the oxygen it needs.
Changes in the Mother's Body
How many months is 27 weeks? You are in the last week of the 6th month and the second trimester of your pregnancy.
Here are the changes in the mother at 27 weeks of pregnancy…
There is no more room for your blood vessels to expand. In this case, your blood pressure may gradually rise.
During the 27th gestational week, fluid accumulation in your body causes swelling in the tissues. This can cause swelling in your face, legs, and hands. Since the same thing can happen in your wrist tissues, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome may occur in the arms, hands and neck area, causing pricking, numbness, tingling and whining-like sensations.
Points need to be considered
Since the increase in your blood volume will put pressure on your veins, you may have varicose veins. Here are our suggestions so that you can prevent the problem of varicose veins during pregnancy and if varicose veins have formed, you can not heal them…
– Accelerate your blood circulation by walking,
– Wear heir socks,
– Try not to stand for a long time,
– At least a few times during the day, lift your feet high and rest,
– Try not to gain too much weight.
Braxton Hicks contractions, which are normally seen after the 30th week, may occur in some expectant mothers from this week. You may feel the contractions as your abdomen becomes stiff. However, if these contractions are long-term, it is useful to inform your doctor as the possibility of premature birth may have arisen.
One of the important causes of premature birth can be stress. Stress may not always be caused by working, and the expectant mother may also be stressed. However, if you are a working expectant mother, you are also likely to be stressed. Here are suggestions for overcoming stress for working pregnant women…
– A tense workplace environment or standing for long periods of time can increase the risk of high blood pressure. Especially in the second half of pregnancy, this risk is higher. This may increase the risk of having a low birth weight baby.
– If you have another child, it is recommended that you leave work after 28-29 weeks,
– Working until the day you give birth is not recommended as it may increase your problems such as low back pain or hemorrhoids,
– If you work at a desk job, you should walk for 1 hour between lunches,
– Wearing varicose veins socks can make you feel less tense as it will increase your blood circulation,
– Keep a stool under your desk where you can stretch your legs,
– Take frequent breaks. If there is a suitable environment during your lunch break, you can rest by lying on your left side or walk for 1 hour between lunch,
– Stay away from places with cigarette smoke,
– Pay attention to the temperature of your workplace environment. It should not be too cold or too hot,
– Do not do heavy work,
– Do not miss your meals.
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