Baby's Height and Weight
At 26 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is about 36-37 centimeters tall, the size of a lettuce. Their weight is about 780 grams.
Development of the Baby

Your excited wait continues in the second half of your pregnancy. Here is 26 weeks of baby development…
In the 26th week of pregnancy, your baby can sleep for 20 minutes to 2 hours. Your baby will have a special sleeping awakening pattern. If this pattern is not in line with your daily routine, you may find yourself waking up in the middle of the night with your baby’s kicks.
Your baby continues to swallow amniotic fluid for breathing exercises. They make this liquid as urine by filtering it from the digestive system. Thus, it contributes to the increase in the amount of amniotic fluid. Sufficient amniotic fluid is vital for the baby. At the end of 26 weeks, the amount of amniotic fluid was approximately 500 ml. This liquid replenishes every 3 hours.
At 26 weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s heart rate slowed down compared to the first periods. It makes 140-150 beats per minute.
Superficial and deep layers were formed under the skin. This week, the skin starts to produce pigments to get its color.
They had more hair earlier this week. Hair color has not yet formed. Some babies are born hairless, others can be born with lush hair and some of this hair falls out. Some babies are born with dark hair, but hair color can lighten in a few months. It can also be the other way around, meaning that the baby can be born with light hair and darken in a few months.
At 26 weeks of pregnancy, baby’s nails, eyebrows and eyelashes continue to complete. The hand and footprints also began to become clear.
The baby’s entire body is covered with fine hairs called lanugo. Lanugo supports the development of the skin and keeps your body warm. These hairs fall out to a large extent before birth. The rest will be shed in a few months after birth.
The vernix caseosa layer (a thick and oily structure), which has been formed on the skin for 5-6 weeks, will continue to provide temperature control in the baby’s body until the amount of subcutaneous fat increases. Although this layer decreases until birth, some of the birth time still remains in the baby’s body. This remaining layer of vernix also has the task of facilitating the passage of the baby through the birth canal during birth.
Since lung and spine development is largely complete, the baby has a high chance of living with medical help in a situation such as preterm birth. The likelihood of life risk decreases in the 26-week-old baby. Your baby is now considered an individual because of the increased likelihood of living in the outside world.
Their eyesight had improved in the previous weeks. They could move their eyes from side to side. The eyelids will probably open this week or next. All babies have blue eyes at birth. And eye color usually appears 1 month after birth. In some babies, eye color can take its own color from 6 months to 1 year.
Brain waves are the same as those of a newborn baby. Brain cells that provide conscious thoughts develop. Therefore, it is stated that a primitive memory emerges in the baby. Some researches; It is stated that babies learn and speak that language very easily in whatever language the speech sounds are listened to from these weeks. Babies also remember the music they have listened to since this week after birth.
Ultrasound Image

In 26-week gestational ultrasound images, their body is well proportioned.
During your ultrasound examination, you are very likely to encounter an active mischief-maker this week. Because your baby has plenty of space and is very active because their bones and muscles are developing! If your baby is sleeping during the ultrasound examination, your doctor will show you ways to wake him/her up. For example, they may ask you to eat chocolate and drink water. By the time you return for the ultrasound examination, your baby will probably be awake. Your doctor can also wake him/her up by pushing a little from your stomach. The sound and light wave emitted by the ultrasound device may also wake your baby.
Baby Movements at 26 Weeks Pregnancy
Are you ready for the blows of your tiny knees, elbows, hands and feet? According to studies, the 24–28 weeks old babies are at their most active periods. You will now feel their movements much more clearly. In fact, after this week, your partner can easily feel your baby’s movements.
At 26 weeks, baby movements can sometimes be irregular and sometimes regular. From the 26th week of pregnancy, you can get used to his/her routine. When you stand in a certain position, he/she may be more active or fall asleep. Your baby gets moving, especially when you calm down and slow down. Even when you are active, your belly has a cradle effect on it and may prefer to sleep.
Do not compare the number and order of your baby with the babies of other expectant mothers.
If your baby hurts while kicking, switch positions. It may also help if you move a little.
If you feel little of your baby’s movements, drink water or take another liquid. If you do not feel their movements within 24 hours of the 26th week of pregnancy, be sure to inform your doctor.
Changes in the Mother's Body
How many months is 26 weeks? You are in the 6th month of your pregnancy, and you are close to completing the second 3-month period (2nd trimester).
Approximately 1 kilogram of the weight you have gained so far has been spent on the development of the baby. The remaining weight is the amount of fat, blood and fluid that increases in your body.
At the 26th week of pregnancy, your uterus continues to rise up to the level of your belly button. The peak height of your uterus is about 26 centimeters. It is normal to feel pain in your chest area as your uterus rises.
Both the growth of the uterus and the pressure on your stomach and intestines caused by the hormone progesterone can cause digestive problems.
During the 26 weeks of pregnancy, the following problems may also persist:
– Headaches and low back pain,
– Itching sensation in your abdomen due to stretching and drying,
– Varicose veins problem,
– Haemorrhoids problem due to constipation.
Points need to be considered
- This week, pregnancy cramps can be severe enough to wake you up from sleep. Here are a few suggestions to relieve your cramping problem during pregnancy…
– Take calcium and magnesium supplements with the approval and recommendation of your doctor,– Balance the blood circulation in your legs by lifting your feet in the air during the day,– Try exercises that stretch your legs, especially pregnant yoga.
From the 26th week of pregnancy, you may experience pricking and whining in the hands and feet. This condition, called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, is caused by the fluid accumulated in your body inflating the tissue group in your wrists. In pregnancy yoga, there are exercise movements that will be good for this situation. If such exercises do not feel good and you continue to experience this problem very heavily, you can get help from a physiotherapist with the approval of your doctor.
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