Development of the Baby

At 13 weeks of pregnancy, your baby’s face is proportionally smaller than her body. She continues to look much cuter every day. Facial features have become more pronounced. The forehead area is wide. As their ears grow, they begin to take their normal shape. The inner ear and middle ear are completely formed. The eyes are closer to the front of the face than in previous weeks. Her eyes are colored.

In the 13-week-old baby, the skin is covered with fine hairs.

Your baby can stick his thumb in his mouth.

At 13 weeks of pregnancy, all of your baby’s organs and body systems are formed. Their organs continue to grow and develop, and their arms and legs continue to grow.

In the 13th week, the baby’s digestive system works very well. The baby swallows the amniotic fluid and filters it through the kidneys and intestines, releasing it back into the amniotic fluid as urine. All of the waste materials are transferred to the placenta with the umbilical cord and from there to the mother’s blood.

At 13 weeks of pregnancy, all of your baby’s tooth buds continue to develop.

So, does the 13-week-old baby move? Yes, the 13-week-old baby moves in the womb and his/her movements are faster than in the past weeks. He can now stretch his whole body and respond to external stimuli with reflex movements. Babies do not feel any pain in these arousals. It is estimated that babies do not feel any pain until the 24th week.

His heart slows down another click compared to the past weeks, but it still beats fast.

The egg sac (yolk sac) disappears completely by the 13th week.

At the 13th week of pregnancy, the intestines are fully settled in the abdomen.

Ultrasound Image

Your baby has begun to make perhaps the first of his facial expressions: he can now smile, albeit occasionally. You are very lucky if your doctor catches your baby smiling on a 4D ultrasound.

Since the skin layer and bones will become thicker with each passing week, they appear in the form of a tiny human on the 13th week gestational ultrasound.

In the first weeks, your baby’s head was the same size as her body. Now that her head has grown for a few weeks, you can see in the ultrasound images of the 13th week that your baby’s head has grown to 1/3 of its size.

You can see in the 13-week baby ultrasound image that your baby is kicking, moving his arms and fingers.

If his hand touches his face, the baby can make reflex movements. In the ultrasound images of the 13-week-old baby, you can see that your baby puts his thumb in his mouth.

Some doctors can tell the gender of the baby by looking at the 13-week gestational ultrasound image. Sometimes the baby does not allow this prediction in terms of position.

Changes in the Mother's Body

Congratulations! By the 13th week of pregnancy, you are now in the 4th month of your pregnancy. At the same time, you entered the second trimester called the 2nd trimester in the medical literature. Welcome as long as pregnancy is most comfortable and enjoyable.

Changes in the mother at 13 weeks of pregnancy are as follows:

– You are now in the second trimester and will soon be able to feel your baby’s kicks,

– Sexual intercourse may be more enjoyable in some expectant mothers than before pregnancy, as the increased blood volume during pregnancy will cause an increase in the amount of blood going to the genitals. However, many women experience the opposite. The most important reason for this is that women do not find themselves attractive when they are pregnant. Some men may not find their partners attractive during this period. In addition, the feeling of nausea, weakness, emotional fluctuations of the expectant mother and the feeling of mild pain caused by excessive blood flow to the sexual area may prevent couples from having sex during pregnancy. It is good for couples to talk about this situation and to focus on the excitement of bringing a life together. During this period, it is dangerous for a man to have oral sex with his wife, as it can cause air to enter the vagina. On the contrary, giving oral sex to a man may be good for couples during periods when the woman is unwilling to have sex vaginally,

– Skin problems may continue during the 13th gestational week. On the face, the Pregnancy Mask (Chloasma) can be seen, causing dark spots on different parts of the body. This condition is usually temporary and improves over time after birth.

Points need to be considered

Hamilelikte 13 haftayı geride bırakırken şu bazı noktalara da dikkat etmelisiniz:

– 13. hafta gebelikte diş eti kanamalarınız devam edebilir. Dişlerinizi düzenli fırçalamak sizi rahatlatır. Hamilelikte mutlaka florür içermeyen organik diş macunu kullanın (Az miktarda da olsa florür maddesinin sağlığa zararlı etkileri olduğu bazı bilimsel çalışmalarda ortaya konmuştur.) Bu alışkanlığınızı ömür boyu sürdürmeniz ve ilerleyen yaşlarında çocuğunuza da organik diş macunu kullandırmanız sağlığınız için önemlidir. Gerekli durumlarda diş doktorunun önereceği tedavileri yaptırmaktan çekinmeyin. Günümüzde hamilelik döneminde diş tedavileri güvenli şekilde uygulanmaktadır,

– Bol su içmelisiniz. Demir tabletlerinizi düzenli kullanın. Beslenmenize dikkat edin. Aşırı yememeye özen gösterin. Günde fazladan 300 kalori yeterlidir. İkiz gebeliklerde bu oran günde 500-660 kalori olmalıdır. Her gün dengeli olarak protein ve kalsiyum içerikli yiyeceklerden bolca yiyin. Krampları önlemek adına muz gibi magnezyum içerikli gıdalar da tüketin,

– Fazla kilo almamaya çalışın. Hamile bir kadın ilk 3 ayda ortalama 1,2-1,6 kg almalıdır. Haftada 450 grama denk gelir. İkinci 3 ayda 5,5-6,5 kilo alır. 8 ve 9. aylarda ise haftada 450 gram olacak şekilde kilo almalıdır. Son ay içinde ise 450-900 gram almalıdır. Fazla kilo alan annenin bebeği de iri olur inancı yaygındır, oysa annenin hamilelikte aldığı kilo ile bebeğin kilosu arasında bir ilişki yoktur,

When leaving behind 13 weeks of pregnancy, you should also pay attention to some points:

– In the 13th week of pregnancy, your gingival bleeding may continue. Brushing your teeth regularly relaxes you. Always use fluoride-free organic toothpaste during pregnancy (It has been shown in some scientific studies that fluoride, albeit in small amounts, has harmful effects on health.) It is important for your health to maintain this habit for life and to make your child use organic toothpaste in later years. If necessary, do not hesitate to have the treatments recommended by the dentist. Today, dental treatments are applied safely during pregnancy,

– You should drink plenty of water. Use your iron tablets regularly. Mind Your Nutrients Be careful not to overeat. An extra 300 calories a day is enough. In twin pregnancies, this rate should be 500-660 calories per day. Eat plenty of protein and calcium-containing foods in a balanced way every day. Consume magnesium-containing foods such as bananas to prevent cramps,

– Try not to gain too much weight. A pregnant woman should gain an average of 1.2-1.6 kg in the first 3 months. It amounts to 450 grams per week. He gains 5.5-6.5 kg in the second 3 months. In the 8th and 9th months, he/she should gain 450 grams of weight per week. In the last month, it should take 450-900 grams. The belief that the baby of the mother who gains excess weight is also large is common, whereas there is no relationship between the weight of the mother during pregnancy and the weight of the baby,

– You should now start thinking about attending prenatal courses at 13 weeks of pregnancy. If you are going with your spouse, registering early can be advantageous in terms of setting your available dates in advance. The contents of prenatal courses vary. Some courses focus on baby care. Of course, these courses are also useful in terms of preparing for motherhood and fatherhood. However, in order to truly prepare for childbirth, it is useful to turn to birth-oriented courses where information that will be useful to you at birth is transferred. Thanks to these courses, you can overcome your fear of childbirth with your partner. You can have a very healthy and positive birth.

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