Baby care

To learn more about baby care, see our detailed articles

Newborn Baby Care

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When the baby is born and comes home, he/she gets a concern about the care of the parents, especially if they are their first baby. Families are usually attached to points such as…

12 – 36 Months Baby Development

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Your baby, who starts to walk between 12-36 months and becomes free, now acts in accordance with his/her own will and becomes free. The crawling baby now starts to walk and…

0-12 Months Baby Development

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Every mother always observes and questions whether her growing baby is developing normally month by month or even day by day. Progress in physical and mental development excites…

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Pregnancy Calendar

Start reading our articles to learn about what will change in your body and your baby's development during the weeks of pregnancy!

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Birthbag list

When preparing your hospital bag before birth, do not forget to check the birth bag list.

Try Birth Bag

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