Development of the Baby

Your baby continues to grow rapidly. Between 3-6 months, he/she gained about 1 kilogram and his/her skin is still pink. He/she can put his/her hands on hi/hers face and catch everything he’s/she’s holding.
At the 6th month of pregnancy, the baby’s skin still lacks sufficient fat beneath, making it not yet plump. The process of becoming a plump baby will be completed in the last 3 months of pregnancy. On the one hand, the area around her organs continues to gain fat. As the accumulation of fat on the skin increases, the thin hairs (lanugo) on the skin surface will shed and leave the task of keeping the body warm to these oils.

As the connections between the brain and nerve endings increase, the development of their senses is completed. This month he/she started to open and close his/her eyelids and therefore his/her eyes are now more sensitive to light. If a bright light comes from the abdominal wall, he/she can squint his eyes.
Now her sensitivity to sounds increases in the 6th month of pregnancy. For example, he/she will start to distinguish between your voice and your partner’s voice. Or it will continue to react by jumping at a sudden sound.
“His/her brain, and therefore his/her head, continues to grow. As the signals from the brain to the nerve cells increase, the 6-month-old baby in the womb begins to make more and more conscious movements.
According to research, it is stated that a primitive memory is formed in the baby during these weeks. According to research, from this week on, babies can store the language they hear constantly (it can be a language other than his/her own) or songs in her/his memories.”
“In the lungs, all the equipment that will allow the baby to breathe in the outside world continues to develop at full speed on the way to completion. Thus, in a situation such as premature birth in the 6th month of pregnancy, there is a chance that the baby can survive with medical help.

A 6-month-old baby (from 24 weeks) is now considered an individual because the likelihood of life risk is reduced.”
In the development of a 6-month-old baby in the womb, the formation of red blood cells in the bones continues.

Baby Movements During 6 Months Pregnancy

Your baby is experiencing the most active periods in his/her journey in the womb. The reason why 6-month-old baby's movements are so much; both because he/she enjoys exploring his developing senses and because his/her space is still large. The amount of amniotic fluid is also quite sufficient for his/her acrobatic movements.
It is not that the number of movements will be the same every day. You should still be sensitive to this and inform your doctor if your baby does not move at all within 2 days.
Although it moves so much, he/she also creates rest and sleep patterns.

Ultrasound Image

“In 6-month pregnancy images, her/his body appears proportional. He/she is still looking a little skinny this week.

However, despite this scrawny state, you are very likely to encounter an active mischief this week in your ultrasound examination. Because your baby has plenty of space and is very active because their bones and muscles are developing!”
You can see on the ultrasound that he/she is holding the umbilical cord. You can also see your baby smiling, sticking out his/her tongue, or grasping his/her face with their hands.

Changes in the Mother's Body

About 1 kilogram of the weight you have gained so far has been spent on the development of the baby. The remaining weight is the amount of fat, blood and fluid that increases in your body.
In the 6th month of pregnancy, the vitamin and mineral supplements your body needs may increase. Your doctor will guide you to take the necessary supportive vitamin and mineral supplements.
You may also experience the following pregnancy problems:
Digestive problems
– Headaches and low back pain,
– Itching sensation in your abdomen due to stretching and drying,
– Varicose veins,
– Hemorrhoid problem due to constipation,
– Sometimes your blood pressure rises,
– Carpal Tunnel Syndrome causing pricking, numbness, tingling and whining-like sensations in arms, hands and neck area.

Pregnancy Glucose Loading Test

If sugar has not been detected in your urine before and has not been done for this reason before, your doctor will do so this month (24-28. Weeks) may ask you to have a sugar loading test. Today, the sugar loading test is among the routine tests, but it is performed with the approval of the expectant mother. Performing the test is of great importance in terms of detecting gestational diabetes. A diet in which sugar intake is kept under control is recommended to expectant mothers whose gestational diabetes is detected.

Points need to be considered

Braxton Hicks contractions may occur in some expectant mothers at 6 months of pregnancy. You may feel the contractions as your abdomen becomes stiff. However, if these contractions are prolonged, it is useful to inform your doctor as there is a possibility of preterm labour.

How Does the Cramp Problem Go?

During 6 months of pregnancy, you may experience cramping severe enough to wake you up from sleep. In order to cope with the cramp problem, you should pay attention to the following:
– Take calcium and magnesium supplements with the approval and recommendation of your doctor,
– Balance the blood circulation in your legs by lifting your feet in the air during the day,
– Try exercises that stretch your legs, especially pregnant yoga.

Will Your Foot Grow to Number 1?

From 6 months of pregnancy, your feet may expand and swell. Due to the hormone called relaxin, whose function is to make the hip area flexible for birth, a stretch and expansion occur in your feet as well as in all joints. After birth, the elasticity in your bones will return to its original state. Nevertheless, prepare yourself for the possibility that your foot may grow by 1 size in the postnatal period. It is useful to choose comfortable shoes without heels during pregnancy in order not to increase the swelling in your feet and not to cause pain.

Relaxing Suggestions for Digestive Problems

At six months of pregnancy, problems with your digestive system can make you feel even more uneasy. Be sure to follow our recommendations below:
– Eat little and often so that your indigestion problem does not cause conditions such as reflux,
– Eating yogurt or drinking milk will help you maintain the acid balance in your stomach,
– Do not consume spicy and fatty foods,
– Do not consume too much liquid during meals. Otherwise, you may unnecessarily inflate your stomach and trigger the reflux problem,
– Do not consume heavy foods before going to bed at night,
– If you have severe indigestion, tell your doctor about your condition. It will probably recommend you a medicine that will relieve your stomach,
– Do not forget to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables for your constipation problem,
– Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day between meals,
– If you do not have a health disability, exercise regularly every day. Movement stimulates your bowels.

What Can You Do to Prevent Low Back Pain?

In the 6th month of pregnancy, you may have lower back pain as your abby and therefore your belly grows. Here are our suggestions...

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