Baby's Height and Weight
At the end of the 3rd trimester, that is, the last 3 months of pregnancy, the baby’s height is about 51-52 centimeters, about the size of a watermelon. Her/his weight is about 3500 grams.
Development of the Baby

Your baby’s organs, muscles and bones will fully mature in the 3rd trimester. You are only 3 months away from leaving the 9 months of pregnancy behind and having that wonderful reunion with your baby, the birth.
The most significant developments in the last 3 months of pregnancy will be in height and weight gain. During the 3rd trimester, your baby will have gained about 2 kilograms. Due to these growth attacks of the baby, your belly will grow very fast in the last 3 months. Although this will bring some difficulties, many expectant mothers try to enjoy pregnancy during this last 3-month period.
By the end of the third trimester, the fine hairs on your baby’s skin surface, called Lanugo, will quickly disappear. The lower part of the skin, around the organs and some muscles continues to get fat.
The layer of Vernix Caseosa (Vernix Caseosa) that forms on the surface of your baby’s skin continues to provide temperature control of his body and keep his skin moisturised.
This structure will also facilitate the passage of the baby through the birth canal at birth.
Surfactant production in his lungs, which will allow him to breathe in the outside world, will continue until the 36th week. For this reason, if the baby is born before the 36th week, he/she can survive by breathing with help in the incubator.
Since the brain and nervous system are fully developed, he/she make more conscious movements every day. Yet brain cells continue to grow.
At 35 weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s skull bones are still soft, even if they continue to harden. The soft bones of the skull make it easier for the baby to pass through the birth canal.
In the last months of pregnancy, the baby’s first black poop, called meconium, continues to accumulate in his/her large intestines. Until birth, babies usually don’t do this poop.
Since antibodies will be passed from mother to baby through the umbilical cord at 9 months of pregnancy, the baby will be prepared for diseases and microbes outside the uterus.
Baby Moves
In the last two months of pregnancy, your baby can now sleep longer. Therefore, he/she may take a break from moving for a few hours.
In addition, their movements are restricted because their space has narrowed in recent weeks. It is better to follow your baby as he/she will definitely move in moments other than sleep. If you do not feel their movements for a while, be sure to talk to your doctor.
Ultrasound Image

In the last weeks of pregnancy, you may find that your baby’s face is fully developed. You can see him/her yawning, kicking, sucking his/her finger, or hiccuping.
In ultrasound images at 9 months, your doctor will look at your baby’s position, heart rate, movements and the amount of amniotic fluid.
In the last 3 months of pregnancy, the baby is preparing for birth. For this, it first takes the upside-down position (cephalic position). It is expected to move to this position between the 7th and 8.5th months.
Approximately 96percent of babies turn upside down until birth. The face of the baby, who turns upside down and takes the birth position, should face back in recent weeks (anterior position).
Your babies may not be turned upside down during a twin pregnancy. If everything is fine and you want to have a normal birth, you should choose a doctor and midwife who are experts in twin births.
Changes in the Mother's Body
In the last 3 months, the mother may have the following symptoms:
– Nasal congestion and sometimes bleeding,
– Increasingly thick vaginal discharge of whitish colour,
– Indigestion, reflux, constipation and hemorrhoids in the stomach,
– Leg cramps,
– Varicose veins,
– Headache,
– Braxton Hicks Contractions (False contractions),
– Absent-mindedness or forgetfulness,
– Concerns about the baby and birth,
– Nightmares,
– Sleep disturbances and difficulty falling asleep,
– Hip and low back pain,
– Sciatic pains felt from hip to legs.
– Round Ligament Pain (groin pain and abdominal pain due to enlargement of the uterus during pregnancy),
– Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (A condition that causes sensations such as pricking, numbness, tingling and whining in the arms, hands, neck area.)
When Does Shortness of Breath Start During Pregnancy?
Since your belly will grow a lot, you may experience shortness of breath during pregnancy. If the problem of shortness of breath during pregnancy bothers you, reduce your meal amounts, eat frequently and little. Try to get some fresh air.
When Do Stretch Marks Start During Pregnancy?
One of the most common problems in the last trimester is pregnancy cracks. You can moisturize your abdomen every day with natural oils such as almond oil, cocoa butter or coconut oil, or with the blended oil you get from them.
When Does Heartburn Start During Pregnancy?
Heartburn can disturb the expectant mother most often in the last 3 months as a result of the pressure on the stomach with the growth of the uterus. This may also cause you to have hiccups during pregnancy. The best solution for both of these problems is to eat often and less. Avoiding foods such as spicy and pickles reduces the likelihood of heartburn. It is also good to drink plenty of water.
When Does Edema Start During Pregnancy?
Especially in the last 3 months, you may have edema problems during pregnancy. 75% of expectant mothers experience this problem. The problem of edema causes swelling of your hands, legs, and feet. This is the cause of wrist pain (in the ankles) during pregnancy. The best solution is to drink plenty of water. Socks for varicose veins can also help prevent swelling. Especially if the swelling in the legs increases, you should call your doctor immediately in case of preeclampsia (high blood pressure).
When does groin pain begin during pregnancy?
In fact, back pain during pregnancy may start in the first trimester, but it may be more intense in the last trimester due to the growth of the abdomen. For our solution suggestions for back pain during pregnancy, You can read our article of the 6 month.
Points need to be considered
In the last 3 months of pregnancy, you may feel false contractions (Braxton Hicks contractions). Do not be alarmed by the early onset of these contractions. Because these contractions are a kind of birth rehearsal of the body. If the contractions become frequent and regular, inform your doctor immediately in case of premature birth. (For information on the symptoms of premature birth, Week, for information on causes of premature birth, See our 31.weekly articles.)
Birth process
In the last 3 months, your concerns about childbirth may increase. Expectant mothers who are afraid of normal birth may prefer to give birth by cesarean section instead of trying to overcome these fears. However, cesarean section should be performed in case of a medical necessity. But of course, if you are experiencing the fear of childbirth in an extreme way, it is best to give birth by cesarean section if childbirth preparation training and professional help do not work. Turkey has become the second in the world and the first in Europe among the countries with high cesarean rates.
The reasons for this situation are explained in our 28th week article.
The first thing that expectant mothers who desire a normal birth should do is to receive birth preparation training. In addition, you should definitely discuss your birth preferences with your doctor. You should determine your preferences in childbirth not 1 month before birth, but earlier and take action. First of all, you need to choose a hospital. (For detailed information about hospital preference, You can check out our article of 33rd week.) For general information about birth preferences You can read our 34. week article.)
To learn what to pay attention to when choosing a childbirth preparation course You can check out our article of 28th week.)
For details on how the birth took place and its stages, You can read our 40. week article.)
We wish you a healthy pregnancy and birth process...
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