Baby's Height and Weight
Development of the Baby

Your baby’s fetal phase started last week. The baby will now be called a fetus until birth.
At the 11th gestational week, as the fetus grows, the heart rate slows down. His heart drops below 160 beats and starts beating slower.
Chest and abdomen gradually begin to flatten out.
The organs, including the intestines, continue to develop.
At 11 weeks, the baby practices breathing by inhaling a small amount of amniotic fluid.
His skin becomes thicker. Signs of hair growth begin under the skin surface.
As the sense of touch continues to develop, the baby can now respond reflexively to external stimuli. For example, when the mother’s belly is pressed by hand, the baby can make a reflex escape movement. She doesn’t feel any pain yet.
At the 11th week of pregnancy, the sense of taste also begins to develop. All these developments indicate that the first learning begins to take place in the brain. You should pay more attention to your diet. You should not consume beverages that contain substances such as caffeine and alcohol that can remain in your baby’s blood for up to 100 hours.
The yolk sac, which produces blood cells, continues to shrink, disappearing over the next few weeks.
Your baby’s vocal cords have also begun to form.
Eyepieces and eyelids formed in the 11-week-old baby in the womb. Eyelids are still closed. Facial bones are prominent.
His bones continue to harden. His jaw begins to become more pronounced. The first buds for the teeth continue in the jawbone.
At 11 weeks of pregnancy, the genital organ of the baby begins to change shape: the clitoris begins to form if it is a girl, and the penis begins to form if it is a boy. Prospective mothers wonder whether the gender will be determined at 11 weeks of pregnancy. However, it is still early to estimate the gender of the baby at 11 weeks in the womb.
Bowels are now well closed. The fetus has now begun to swallow the amniotic fluid. It will make this liquid as urine through the kidneys. The waste materials in the amniotic fluid are transferred to the mother’s blood through the placenta.
The baby’s vital support system, the placenta, is just a few weeks away from completing its development. The placenta is the perfect structure for the baby to breathe, eat and remove waste from the environment. While the placenta provides all this, it consumes serious energy just like an organ. The expectant mother should be very careful as factors such as smoking and high blood pressure will reduce blood flow to the placenta. Smoking should never be smoked during pregnancy.
In the 11th week of pregnancy, the umbilical cord, which provides blood exchange between the mother and the baby, continues to work with a perfect system. The 3 veins wrapped around it will allow the growing baby to move freely within the amniotic sac.
Ultrasound Image

In the 11-week ultrasound image, the baby looks like he is lying on his back. It seems more pronounced that his neck is elongated this month.
Since the baby’s body and other parts will now start to grow faster, its head size has become more proportional to its body.
In the ultrasound image of the 11-week-old baby, he was further mobilized in the amniotic sac, this mobilization is mostly in the form of shaking with his body and joints. However, mothers do not feel the baby movements at 11 weeks. There is still time to feel these movements.
At 11 weeks, the baby can perform hiccups as well as breathing and swallowing movements in the womb.
Changes in the Mother's Body
At the 11th week of pregnancy, your uterus is about the size of a medium-sized grapefruit. The doctor can feel the size of your uterus by slightly pressing on your abdominal wall over the pubic bone.
Since the uterus moves towards the abdominal cavity, the pressure on the bladder is reduced and thus the need for frequent urination is reduced.
In week 11 of the move, as the uterus grows, your side ligaments may stretch and you may feel muscle aches.
At the end of the 11th week of pregnancy, you may feel a little more relaxed. Of course, this situation may differ among expectant mothers.
There may also be a decrease in the feeling of fatigue. You can be more energetic.
Your breasts may have grown 2-3 sizes, but after the 11th week of pregnancy, their growth will now slow down. Maybe it can grow a little more in the last month.
Symptoms of 11 weeks of pregnancy may include headaches, decreased or increased sexual desire, sleep problems, and skin problems such as stretch marks.
Points need to be considered
After the first 11-12 weeks of pregnancy, which is considered risky for the baby, it may be advantageous to share the baby news with those around you. If you are working, it is useful to learn about your pregnancy rights before telling your manager about the news.
Constipation is one of the most common symptoms of 11 weeks of pregnancy. The most important reason for this is that it causes the growing uterus to work slowly by pressing on the intestines. Eat plenty of fibrous food. Eat legumes. Dried fruit is also a good choice. Since fibrous foods can cause gas and bloating, consume these foods by spreading them over different meals in a day. Try to drink plenty of fluids. It is also very effective to consume compost from dried fruits. If you have not been able to resolve your constipation problem despite all this, tell your doctor about the situation and follow his/her recommendations.
Within a few weeks of the end of the 11th week of pregnancy, you should have the 11-14 test, that is, the double test. With this test, the thickness of the nape is examined on ultrasound and the baby is evaluated for down syndrome. This test is very important and every expectant mother should have it done.
You should start iron supplementation from the 11th week of pregnancy, as the need for iron will arise.
Do not forget to eat plenty of vegetables and salads in case the iron medicine causes constipation. Don’t just rely on iron medicine, but also strive to consume it in a balanced way from foods such as eggs, meat, spinach and meat every day. You should take your iron medicine a few hours before or after calcium-containing foods. Otherwise, the absorption rate of iron in the body decreases.
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