Their mother usually gets a rush from pregnancy… Not knowing what to do, how to do it, or not being confident while doing what she knows is right about her baby causes new mothers to be in constant anxiety. Giving breast milk, which is the most important need of a newborn baby, with the right breastfeeding technique is also a point that mothers are most sensitive and should pay attention to.

As soon as the baby is born, it is very important for him to take the fluid containing the protein and antibodies called colostrum from his mother’s breast. In order to feed the tiny baby with a cherry-sized stomach when he/she is first born, he/she should be ensured to absorb this liquid, which comes little and is secreted for 3-4 days, frequently.  This yellowish liquid, which replaces the first vaccine, strengthens the immunity of the baby and protects it from germs, is very valuable.


There is a Technique to Breastfeeding

The first three weeks are an important process for milk production. And during this period, the baby should touch the mother’s breast as much as possible and try to breastfeed a lot. The baby is born with the reflex of searching, sucking and swallowing. When you touch it, it opens its mouth wide. Since it has a swallowing and sucking reflex, when you place the breast in its mouth, it starts to suck by grasping it nicely. When the baby opens his/her mouth, it is important to ensure that he/she takes the brown area into his/her mouth as much as possible, not the suction tip. While holding the breast, it is necessary to try to touch the nipple towards the palate by making a slight curve upwards in the chest in the ” C ” shape, not in the form of scissors.
New mothers should definitely learn the correct position of holding the baby and breast from their newborn nurses before being discharged from the hospital. The correct holding position can be different for each mother; because it is related to the physical structure of the mother and provides comfort to both the mother and the baby.

Classic Position
The mother should be in a comfortable position and in a stress-free environment during breastfeeding.  When sitting in an upright position, it must fill the waist space. He may or may not extend his foot.  Especially in the early days, breastfeeding in a armchair is more comfortable for the mother. The mother can also use a breastfeeding pillow or another pillow, if available, to support under her arms. The whole body of the baby should be supported by the mother’s arm. The baby and the mother should take care of the abdomen. The baby’s nose should be parallel to the mother’s nipple. While the mother holds her baby with one hand, she should hold her breast in a “C” shape with the other hand and open the baby’s nostrils with one finger.
Some mothers may prefer to breastfeed by lying down, especially at night. In this position, it should be noted that the baby and the mother are again in the abdomen and the nose is parallel to the nipple. The brown area at the tip of the nipple should enter the baby’s mouth as much as possible because there are milk chambers in the brown part of the nipple. They are also connected up by channels. If the baby sucks the tip, he only takes the milk from the room. The baby takes the brown area into its mouth, not that end, puts pressure on it and lowers the milk down the channels.

How Many Times a Day Should You Breastfeed?
If a newborn baby is comfortable and peaceful, he/she sleeps for about 1.5 – 2 hours without interruption. If s/he wants to breastfeed with pleasure after waking up from sleep, if at least 5 of the 7-8 diapers changed during the day are wet, everything is fine. The mother doesn’t need to worry. After the colostrum that ends after the first 3-4 days, it should be breastfed once an hour. 10th postpartum 11. And both breasts should be breastfed for 5 or 10 minutes for breast milk entering the maturation process on the 12th day. Newborn jaundice may occur in the first weeks. A sleeping newborn with jaundice should be awakened and breastfed at the latest at the 3rd hour. 12 days after birth
the average breastfeeding time of the baby should be 20 minutes. Because the baby gets the juicy part in the first 5 minutes and the fatty part in the next 15 minutes. However, if the baby gets 500 grams or 600 grams every month, the minutes and hours do not matter exactly if he/she is in a good mood.

Milking is a Method When Necessary
Breastfeeding abundantly and frequently by showing patience is the best way to increase milk because the more messages come to the breast, the more milk. If there are wounds on the nipple or if the baby cannot actively suck it, it is absolutely necessary to milk it with a pump.
When feeding a newborn baby who has not yet left the hospital with milk from his mother, the best method is small glasses or cups. It is an ideal method to feed babies with premature or newborn jaundice, especially those with an undeveloped sucking reflex, by keeping the baby’s head slightly upright. Feeding with a glass can be difficult after the hospital. Then it can be dripped from the edge of the mouth with a teaspoon or injector. The baby who has difficulty in breastfeeding should meet the bottle as late as possible. However, if the mother has a hard time, slow-flow bottles that resemble the mother’s breast can be used. If possible, the baby bottle should not be taken on the mother’s lap. The baby should be given a coding such as “I should breast suck on my mother’s lap and bottle suck on my father’s or my caregiver’s lap” so that he/she does not stop sucking on his/her mother’s breast.

When the baby starts sucking, he uses all the jaw muscles. It is actually a tiring and gradual work like climbing 8 floors of stairs. So, from time to time, the baby stops and waits. However, the baby, who meets an easy-to-flow bottle, prefers the elevator rather than climbing the 8-storey stairs and getting tired and wants to feed the bottle by giving up the difficulty of sucking the breast.

Attention to Breast Care
It is natural for a breast crack to occur in the first 10 days after breastfeeding. In this process, it is sufficient to clean it only by taking a warm shower. Contact with soap, deodorant or perfumed creams should be avoided. In order to prevent infection in the following days, the nipple and the baby’s mouth should be cleaned very lightly with a gauze soaked in carbonated water, as if applying cream.
If the crack in the nipple leaves its place to infection, the mother’s breasts swell and she has a fever. It is necessary to go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Breastfeeding in the Early Days and Its Importance
Breastfeeding is very important for the mother and the baby at the beginning of life. It has many benefits for both the baby and the mother.
While counting many reasons such as strengthening the immune system of the baby, contributing to its growth and development, and protecting it from diseases, we can immediately say that it protects it from uterine and breast cancer in the mother.

For this reason, it is important to start breastfeeding as soon as you hold the baby in your arms.
Breastfeeding within the first hour

It is important to breastfeed within the first hour after birth because:
* Makes the baby feel safe
* Your baby starts to get the immunological effects of colostrum (the first breast milk that protects against infection and disease).
* Your baby’s digestion and intestines are stimulated.
* Sucking difficulties can be prevented if the baby is fed properly at this stage.
* The bond between you and your baby has been strengthened.

Your baby may be very sleepy for the next 24 hours

It is normal for babies to become very sleepy after their first feeding. You should definitely try to breastfeed your baby by putting it on your skin and trying to wake it up. Both drowsy and breastfeeding are exhausting in the first days. For this reason, your baby will rest and suck. In the first days, you should wake up your baby to breastfeed every 2 hours.
The amount of milk with high antibodies in it, called colostrum, is low for the first 3-4 days, After the day, it goes through the maturation process. And it completes the ripening process in about 10-12 days. During this time, you can breastfeed your baby frequently , whenever she wants. But after the maturation process, you should finish the milk in one breast and then move on to the other. Because the ripe milk is first watery, then comes the fatty part. Therefore, you need an average breastfeeding session of 15-20 minutes. If your baby is sucking shorter and has a good weight gain, then there is no problem. You should continue breastfeeding in the same way.
Your baby will need at least 8-12 feedings within 24 hours.
In addition to starting breastfeeding immediately, it is also very important to breastfeed in the right position.

When viewed from the outside, a baby who is well placed in the breast and effectively sucks;

* The baby’s mouth is wide open,
* His lower lip is turned outward, his jaw touches the breast,
* His cheeks are round or flattened towards his mother’s breast,
* When the size of the areola seen above and below the mouth is compared; there are more areola above the mouth and less areola below the mouth,
* After breastfeeding, it is observed that the nipple and nipple look healthy.
* The baby’s head and body should be in the same direction, in a straight line,
* The baby’s nose should face the breast at the level of the nipple,
* The mother should keep the baby close to her own body.
* The mother should support the breast from below with her index finger, the thumb should be above the breast and touch the nipple and the baby’s lips.

As soon as you take your baby in your arms and start breastfeeding, it is very important to try to breastfeed as much as possible. On the first day, your baby’s stomach is as big as a cherry, 3. Day tiny walnut, 10. Day is the size of a ping-pong ball. This means that your baby is sucking on you almost every hour. In this case, I can’t get enough for my baby, don’t worry about my baby not getting enough. Follow your baby’s diapers with pee. If you change 7-8 diapers during the day, if this falls below 5, then you should breastfeed your baby more, check the amount of milk and your breastfeeding position with your doctor.

Nutrition of the Breastfeeding Mother
As a nursing mother, you can eat anything you want. There’s no reason to avoid certain types of food when breastfeeding your baby. Breastfeeding women all over the world can breastfeed their babies by eating different vegetables and fruits, some with plenty of spices, some with garlic. Even women without healthy diets can ensure that their baby is fed a healthy diet with high-quality breast milk. What you need to know about breastfeeding and your diet is as follows;

Eating Healthy While Breastfeeding
Your body gets everything it needs to make healthy breast milk from the nutrients you store in your bones, tissues, and fat. In this way, your baby gets all the nutrients he needs. However, if you do not eat a healthy diet, you will be deprived of minerals due to the vitamin you need. That’s why you’ll feel exhausted and exhausted. Since you eat healthy, you will both produce milk for your baby and recover quickly and feel good.

How Does Good Nutrition Affect Breast Milk and Your Baby?

Most of the nutrients you eat affect your breast milk and affect the composition,taste and color of your milk. It is also believed that breastfed babies get used to the taste of foods in their mothers’ diets and even develop preferences for such foods later in life. Therefore, eating healthy and nutritious foods – including fruits and vegetables – while breastfeeding can help you lay the foundation for good eating habits for your child in the future.

What is a Healthy Breastfeeding Diet?

A well-balanced meal plan with a variety of nutrients is the goal of the breastfeeding diet. A healthy breastfeeding diet includes vitamins, minerals, protein, dairy products, whole grains, and healthy fats.
To make breast milk, you need to eat a little more than a person who is not breastfeeding. You can get all the calories you need by eating three meals a day with snacks in between. You should eat a wide variety of different foods every day.If you’re concerned that you don’t have a healthy diet or have any questions about your eating habits, talk to your doctor, a nutritionist, or a dietitian.

What Nutrients Do You Need? What Foods Do You Need to Bring Them?

* Protein forms and is important in all parts of the body, including muscles, brain, bones, heart, lungs, enzymes, hormones, and antibodies. Eat protein several times a day. Meats, dairy products, nuts, seeds, vegetables and cereals contain protein.
* Vitamin A is essential for healthy growth and development, especially in the eyes and skin. Vitamin A is found in red, orange and yellow fruits and vegetables, dark green leafy vegetables, liver and dairy products.
* Iron helps your body create new red blood cells, so you can boost your energy levels. Get enough Iron in your diet by eating meat, fish, liver, beans, leafy greens, nuts, eggs, and whole grains.
* Vitamin C is essential for healthy bones, teeth, ligaments, and blood vessels. It also helps the body absorb iron and prevent infection. Vitamin C is found in citrus and fruit juices (orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime), strawberries, tomatoes, mango, and dark green vegetables.
* Folate (folic acid) is a B vitamin that helps prevent congenital barriers and is essential for your baby’s health and development. Folic acid is found in citrus fruits and juices, fortified whole-grain bread and grain, dark green leafy vegetables, and dried legumes.
* Zinc works with protein, and the body needs it for healthy growth and development, wound healing, immune function, and many other things. Zinc is meat, dairy products, vegetables and beans.
* Calcium is essential for healthy bones and teeth. You already need to get enough calcium when breastfeeding to replace what is taken from your body and given to your baby. Dairy products, orange juice, and green leafy vegetables are good sources of calcium.
* Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium and phosphorus from your diet and is also crucial for the healthy growth of your baby’s bones and teeth. You can get vitamin D from foods fortified with vitamin D, such as sun, fish, eggs and cereals, orange juice, milk and yogurt.
* Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) is a fatty acid that supports the development of your baby’s brain and eyes. You can find DHA in fish, eggs, red meat, and liver.

Breastfeeding Mothers Shopping List for Nutritious Foods

You can get all the nutrients you need every day by eating a variety of foods from large food groups. A list of foods you will use to add to your supermarket or grocery shopping list.
Meats: Beef, chicken, turkey, fish and seafood. Lean cuts of meat are healthier and red meats
Fruits: Apple, orange, banana, pear, peach, strawberry, grape, melon, pineapple, grapefruit, fruit juices, canned fruit and dried fruit. Eat a wide variety of fruits every day.
Vegetables: Dark leafy greens (broccoli, spinach, cabbage, lettuce), carrots, peas, zucchini, peppers and sweet potatoes. Vegetables should make up a large part of your diet.
Whole Grains: Whole grain pasta, whole grain bread, brown rice, whole grain cereals. Whole grains are more nutritious than white bread, white rice, and regular pasta.
Dairy Products: Milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, cream cheese and sour cream. Choose skimmed or low-fat dairy products enriched with whole milk and vitamin A, as well as products from whole milk.
Nuts, Seeds, Beans: Peanuts, peanut butter, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, dried beans, lentils, hazelnuts and hazelnut oil.
Healthy Fats and Oils: Olive oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil and corn oil. Limit the use of butter and cheese in saturated fat.
Liquids: Use very sufficient liquids between six and eight glasses of water or other decaffeinated beverages each day.

What Foods Do You Decrease or Decrease While Breastfeeding?

When you decide to breastfeed, it doesn’t mean you should give up your favorite things. However, while you don’t have to deprive yourself of any food, there are some foods you should limit.
It’s okay to enjoy a cup of coffee, but you should limit the amount of caffeinated beverage to one or two cups a day.
There are no foods you should avoid altogether, but some babies may have a food sensitivity or allergy to a particular substance in your diet. If you have a family history of allergies or if you make a connection between something you eat and your baby, stay away from those foods while breastfeeding.


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